Mapping - Orthomosaic

Capture huge, hundred-acre properties with precision, detail, and accuracy. We leverage advanced software to stitch together thousands of drone photos to produce high quality orthomosaic maps. See fine details with up to 0.7 in/px resolution.

An orthomosaic map, or "ortho", is a single, geometrically corrected image created through the combination of many photos. Our orthomosaic mapping technology uses the drone's GPS location to capture geo-referenced imagery. Our software then merges, or stitches, together hundreds or thousands of high-resolution images to create a precise orthomosic map.

With map resolutions up to 0.7 inches per pixel, you'll be able to see individual blades of grass poking through cracks in the parking lot. This level of detail & precision of such a large area is only possible with specialized mapping technology.



